General Information
The Russian Bible School of the Church of Christ Savior is a voluntary collective of believers, who have dedicated themselves to Christ to:
- Teach children and adolescents biblical truths and Christian teachings
- Teach the Russian language
- Prepare children and adolescents for music ministry
- Prepare future ministers for the Church of Christ.
Tasks of Russian Bible School
Our main goal is to help students in the knowledge of God and spiritual growth, to teach them Biblical principles, emphasizing the necessity of knowing God, as their personal Savior and the importance to serve him in good conscience, and to educate future ministers for missionary, evangelistic, and charitable work of the church.
Program of the School
The curriculum that is used in the school is based solely on biblical theology of evangelical Christians, not on confessional doctrines. The Bible and only the Bible, as the infallible Word of God, is recognized as a necessary and sufficient source of teaching in the Russian Bible School. Therefore, the children of all Christian denominations can study in our school, because we teach Bible truths, not touching complex opinions and debatable confessional issues.
Spiritual ministers and school leaders
All responsible teachers and staff must be members of the local church and approved by council for work in the school. The leadership of the school includes: the pastor and appointed council, the head of the children’s ministry, the secretary, and group coordinators.
Instructors of the Russian Bible School must be members of the local church and according to Pennsylvania law, at least 18 years old and have been a teaching assistant for at least 2 years.
Students of the Russian Bible School can be any child or adolescent regardless of race or membership in any group or church between the ages of 3 and 16.